Large Scalloped Corn Recipe

Large Scalloped Corn Recipe

5 beaten eggs
5 cups Milk
5 cups crushed saltine crackers(2 1/2 sleeves)
6 cans of cream corn
1 1/4 cup chopped onions
5 tbsp Butter( melted)
3 teas. salt
1/4 teas. pepper(if desired).

In a big bowl combine beaten eggs, milk, 3 cups of crushed crackers, salt and pepper. Stir in cream corn and onion. Mix well. Turn into a large casserole dish. Mix melted butter and remaining crackers together. Sprinkle all over the top. Bake in Oven at 350' uncovered for 1 1/2 hrs. Stick a butter knife into the center, comes out clean it's done. Serving size 20 - 25 people.

Large Scalloped corn recipe


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